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Financial Planning:​

The process that moves you from your current financial position toward the achievement of your lifetime financial goals. Here are the elements of a financial plan.

Budgeting can be a difficult, but a necessary task for people at all income levels. The key factor to establishing a successful budget is taking the time to figure out where every dollar you earn is spent.  We suggest you look carefully at your credit card statements, your checkbooks, and your receipts and then use a spreadsheet or software to account for every dollar you spend over a 4-6 month period.

Goal Setting

It is important to consider exactly what your goals are, exactly when they will occur and, how much money it will cost to meet these goals (considering inflation too).  What priority does each goal have over one another?  It is important to identify accurate and specific goals, so that you can determine exactly how much risk is required to produce investment returns that can meet your specific financial goals.

Establish a Plan

First, determine how much can be saved on a regular basis.  Consider any cash flow events that can improve or disrupt savings rate.  Identify your required rate of return to meet the goal(s). Design an investment strategy that can provide this return. Evaluate the amount of risk required to target this return.  Determine if your required risk exposure is within your personal risk tolerance.

Course Corrections

When you determine that you are tracking ahead or behind, it is important to make adjustments. Sometimes this can be easy, such as changing your timeline or savings level. But some adjustments can be difficult or nearly impossible. Our advisors can help you think about creative ways to adjust for unexpected obstacles while minimizing disruptions to your desired lifestyle.


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